Episode 003: Sustainability and the Latinx Experience

Shana sat down recently with Stephany Paola Goico. Stephany also goes by Steph or Gecko and uses they and her as their preferred pronouns is a local artist and climate activist. Steph shares their story of their deep love and relationship with the land. As a Latinx person growing up in Reading, PA, Steph has always been passionate about climate justice and raising awareness about intersectionality and people's rights especially within marginalized and oppressed groups in their hometown. This passion lead them to become very involved in the local chapter of the Sunrise Movement, Sunrise Berks. As Sunrise Berks Media Coordinator, Stephany’s goal and mission is to recruit and unite the community, especially within its diverse groups. Stephany’s art is inspired by their relationships and passion for the community! If you are interested in learning more about Steph's work follow them on Instagram @Geck.0.

Throughout the episode, Shana and Steph also talk about Steph’s experience as a Latinx person, and how racism affects their work in climate advocacy. Together, they talk about what the climate movement looks like in their community and how racism makes it significantly harder for the black and brown community to participate. Without racial justice, there can never be climate justice!

To learn more about how you can be an ally and celebrate Juneteenth go to the Weekly Ingest: Newsletter published on June 8th.


Episode 004: What Does a Green Recovery Look Like?


Episode 002: Starting a Sustainable Business